As previously mentioned, in the United States, a 2004 study by the Public Interest Research Group (PIRG), found that 79% of the credit files contained errors. Although the Financial Consumer Agency of Canada does not have such statistics, it does confirm that errors do exist. These errors result in higher interest rates for the consumer and sometimes may even lead to a categorical refusal on the part of a lender.
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Thanks to its expertise, the BUCC guides Canadian consumers towards the most advantageous solutions in the banking industry, offering them the resources they need to ensure that their credit file reflects the reality of their evolving financial situation.
A consumer’s file is analyzed in two stages:
- Ensure that the credit file reflects the consumer’s financial situation, and that any errors have been corrected.
- Through its credit education program, guide consumers towards the best tools adapted to their financial situation, in order to achieve the credit scores required by lenders and mortgage insurers.

The CCBU provides a professional investigation system and legal expertise. Following an identity theft, the consumer often finds himself without a way out and must prove his innocence. Ironically speaking, it is as if the insurer asks you to “Find the thief of your car and we will pay the indemnity”.
Some consumers see their credit being ruined and do not know what to do about it. Fortunately, the CCBU is here to accompany you in the process of restoring your credit record just like it was before the identity theft.
Contact us for more information about our services.
*Certain conditions may apply.